Nappies Campaign utilises Next Level Targeting

A reputable baby care company utilised Cartology's Next Level Targeting method to reach active Nappy Buyers through our Retail out of home screens.

Background & Objectives

To truly understand the impact of Next Level Targeting, we analysed the sales impact during the campaign period, across 2x shopping centre groups where the campaign was live:

- Top 40 centres from Next Level Targeting (behavioural targeting)
- Top 40 centres from MOVE optimised list (Mass reach)


Campaign Results

44% more sales

A group of top 40 Next Level Targeting centres showed 44% higher sales, compared to MOVE optimised centres during the campaign period.

42% more customers

A group of top 40 Next Level Targeting centres showed 42% more transacting customres, when compared to the MOVE optimised centre lsit (during the campaign period)

45% more units sold

A group of top 40 Next Level Targeting centres showed 45% more sales (# of units) compared to MOVE optimised centres, during the campaign period.

Next Level Targeting versus MOVE

The data showed that the top 40 centres from Next Level Targeting showed much higher sales, customers and units bought compared to the top 40 centres from the MOVE optimised site list.